Congressman Louie Gohmert Just Absolutely Wrecked Robert Mueller With Epic 48-Page Investigative Blowout; We Have it Here – True PunditTrue Pundit

“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is
a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility
to lead the prosecution of anyone.” – L. G.

Targeted Individuals. Whistleblowers, TIs (Targeted Individuals), Gang-Stalking and the Deep State.

(1/6) Most TIs [Targeted individuals] are whistleblowers, rights workers, or tried to just say “No” to corporate corruption and control of their personal or professional lives, according to their emails sent to Dupré and their web reports. They report…

(2/6)”…They report frequent unwanted telephone and email intrusions: tapping and cyber-attacks.

Just as TIs [Targeted individuals] have said since 2001, it is govt. and private contractors stalking, harassing and persecuting them worst imaginable way…”

(3/6)”…worst imaginable ways. Of course, saying, “It’s the government listening to me, intercepting my emails, intimidating me,” has resulted in an automatic false lay and professional diagnosis of paranoia and thus achieves, according to many TI…”

(4/6) “…achieves, according to many TI advocates, the perfect crime.

Rather than referring to “spying,” many TIs refer to their treatment as “stalking,” such as “gang stalking” or “organized stalking” or “cause stalking.” (See recent article)..

(5/6) “…(See recent article: Washington higher-ups ordered targeting groups for political reasons].

These innocent TIs claim they are treated as terrorists, yet have no criminal record. AP noted that 4.9 million people have…” –

(6/6) “…#AP noted that 4.9 million people have clearance to access “#confidential…secret” government information.” [Used against innocent #TI, or #TargetedIndividuals.]

(6/6a) “…4.9 million people have clearance to access “confidential and secret” government information with 1.1 million, or 21 percent, working for outside contractors, according to a report from Clapper’s office. “Of the 1.4 million who have…” –

(6/6b) …“Of the 1.4 million who have the higher ‘#topsecret’ access, 483,000, or 34 percent, work for contractors,” #AP reported. Even that, however, is the tip of the #iceberg ramming innocent targets, many referring to themselves as “#TIs”.